Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Alright, I'm new to this blogger thing, so I figure that I'll just write (or "blog") about my day so far. This may potentially be boring. Bare with me. So today, my alarm went of at 8:15 as it does every weekday (except Fridays). Today, though, I felt particularly tired, so I set it to snooze. After 9 minutes, I got up, took a shower got ready, etc. I was a bit late meeting up with my friend Ian after I had driven to school (I go to community college -_-). I wasn't late to class, just late for meeting up with my friend. Anyways, after that, I went to my math class. My professor handed back our 2nd midterms that we did last week. I got 100%! So far I've been doing pretty freaking good in that class. Then we learned about graphing secant functions and what not. Pretty easy stuff. Then I went to my English class in which we discussed the book that we've been reading. We've been reading The Mole People by Jennifer Toth. It's a book about underground homeless living in New York City. It's somewhat interesting, but not really interesting enough for me to keep up with the assigned reading. After class, I drove down to In N Out and got myself a double double, well-done fries, and a chocolate shake. Then I went home, watched some Spongebob and then headed down to my friend Dean's house. There, we played Geometry Wars and we also started writing a new song for our band. That's about all I've done today, and I am currently typing this on my laptop while watching Dean play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. He's being pretty cheap. Noobtubing with one man army. Not cool.

Now, for your enjoyment:


  1. :3 I have MW2 for the PS3. Hate noobtubers...

  2. I like stream-of-consciousness posts. :) Keep at it! Also, love the pic. Haha

  3. keep updating, never know how just writing out your thoughts will help you remember the most random things

  4. sounds like an alright day. what's your band's name? any youtubes of it?

  5. my favorite color is ...

    that you inport

    they give


  6. I bet your band is extremely talented.

    Ham is also my favorite color...honk honk!

  7. Great post man, keep them coming!

  8. Haha the picture is funny. I like your blog. It's nice to see some that are just people talking about their day. Some tips though are that you might want to be more descriptive. For instance instead of just listing out your day categorically, give us an anecdote. Give us thoughts on things that transpire. Don't be afraid to share your opinion on issues, no matter how random.

    Writing a blog is actually a good place to develop your ideas *as you write them*, so you shouldn't worry about how it sounds. I think you seem like a smart guy and (I assume you're a guy) and I'm looking forward to hearing more!

  9. that ham pic is sooooooo fucking funny
