Friday, October 22, 2010

Things That Bug Me

Yesterday, my dad pissed me off, which inspired me to write a blog about other a few other things that bug me as well.

1. I hate it when I'm talking to someone and I feel like they're not even paying attention. This is what happened between my dad and I yesterday. I was talking to him about something, and his reply had absolutely nothing to do with what I was explaining to him. It upset me because the least he could do is PRETEND that he was listening and say something like "Oh, interesting" or "I see what you mean".

2. This kind of goes with the first one, but I dislike it when I'm interrupted. Not that I think that I deserve the utmost respect or anything, but after being interrupted a few times in a row, it starts to annoy me.

3. I don't like it when people always ask me for rides or for me to pick them up. If I get compensated gas money or something, then it's all good, but I'm not your chauffeur.

4. Traffic pisses me off. Enough said.

5. It annoys me when people purposely speak in an unintelligible vernacular. As well as this, I don't like it when people make absolutely no effort type out or spell out words correctly. Things like that simply make you look uneducated.

I'll possibly update this throughout the day.

6. I hate wet socks.


  1. 1, 2, and 5 definitely.
    ppl piss me of whn they type liek ths lawl

  2. Number 4 probably, especially rush hour traffic in crowded cities

  3. lol @ the pic that kid is great!

  4. haha the kid in the picture is not having a good time

  5. Number 5 is what I hate about people.

  6. Uff. Nothing frustrates me like someone who is obviously not listening. Wet socks suck, too, tho X-D

  7. rofl I know what you mean. Sorry man, just try to not let them bother you!

  8. Oh, interesting. I see what you mean.

  9. i agree with every single one of those :D

  10. that picture is just awesome :D

  11. Those are all dead on; 1,3 & 4 especially! I do hate being a human being sometimes. >:/

  12. all of em, very true. Your anger is not misplaced.
    wet socks SUCK!

  13. Wet socks are awful, but clean warm socks are amazing.

  14. i hate wet socks as well o.0 coincidence? haha this reminds me of peter griffins grind my gears on family guy lol

  15. wet socks are always fun :D ... I like to hit my friends in the face with them ;D

  16. lol love the picture

  17. I know way too many people who listen to anythign I say >.<

  18. Totally agree.
    ALso,WAT for the pic.

  19. that pic gets me everytime, what a traumatic experience

  20. #2, you hate being interrupted. But what if you're interrupted by candle jack in the middle of a sent-

  21. Wet shoes and socks are my biggest pet peeve! I guess that is why I hate rain.

  22. lol m8 I gotta admit to being guilty of these. #1 and #2 especially. my wife would love you for these. :>
    P90X ... if really interested I highly recommend borrowing it from a friend for a week or 2 before you buy. Co-worker of mine is on his 3rd round of 90 days. And he was never a fat ass but he is looking FIT!

  23. Dear god that kid is now scarred for life!

  24. Yeah, my ex used to ignore me all the time. Whenever I would realize she wasn't listening, I would start to talk about something completely off-topic and often graphic enough that when I would stop, she would be like "yeah.... wait, what?!?!"
