Monday, December 13, 2010


Dang it, I was doing a good job of posting everyday, up until yesterday. I was really busy writing an essay for my English class. It was on this crappy book about this antiwar activist dude in the 1960's. I'd say that my essay is about 85% BS, but I don't really care anymore because it's pretty much the end of the semester.

Anyways, I don't really have too much else to say. I've just been studying for finals lately, and my dad has had this terrible cough for the past week and a half and it's driving me INSANE.


  1. thats a nice pic. it made me laugh :D

  2. You should print out a giant poster of this and hang it on his door. Then maybe he will see the error of his ways.

  3. I hope your dad gets better. Make sure that he visits a physician; during this time of year is by far one of the worst times to get Pneumonia. :/

  4. Don't forget homework is important and get well soon but not in that poster way :P

  5. haha love the card where do you get them from

  6. haha i loled at the picture.
    anyway, i hope your dad will get better

  7. I've got to deal with the finals too! Didn't post this weekend and I spent the entire night trying to find stuff for the entire week so I wouldn't need to spend a lot of there here! Good luck with your exams!

  8. Dont worry bud. It will all work out. I had a class back in college that was just an Essay. The teacher had other stuff going on in her life nad my essay was total BS but I got an A. Teachers are people too. They have stuff going on just like us and they realize we have things outside of school that may affect us. Unless you paper is total garbage ... "F The WORLD!!" type stuff. I'm sure it will be graded fairly.

  9. My aunt and coworker are like that. It's like I can't escape it. Both have it because of smoking for 30+ years. Good luck with school. Missing days is okay too.

  10. i lolled too at that picture :o :D <3

  11. Well, you can´t say that isn´t honest =P

  12. don't say any more, just concentrate on those studies. Best of luck on finals!!!

  13. Hearing a person cough repeatedly gets pretty irritating.

  14. i like writing essays. english was the only subject in school that i didn't skip frequently. good luck with yours

  15. Dude my semester just ended.. feels good man

  16. Don't post everyday, you'll wear yourself out.

  17. Who cares if it's BS, as long as it's well written BS lol

  18. Man most of the time I BS essays and I do awesome LOL

  19. It's okay to take time off of the blog world. It isn't too exciting, haha.

  20. Ahem..I've a cough too these past few days. Though I am sure its nowhere near as bad to elicit a post on it :p
