Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lazy Sunday

It's been kind of a lazy day for me, but it hasn't been bad. Last night I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall and The Hangover, both hilarious movies that I've seen a few times each. Then this afternoon I told off my ex-girlfriend, which was pretty good I suppose. It felt good to genuinely not really care about it anymore haha. I guess Forgetting Sarah Marshall rubbed off on me! I then went out to lunch with my dad. Just got some bagels. The rest of the day I spent listening to angry music and briefly chilling with my friend Dean. Overall a pretty okay weekend for me.

How was your weekend?

Captcha Comics <3


  1. Forgetting Sarah Marshall and The Hangover are two of my favourite movies. They're so funny, can't get enough of them.

  2. Weekend's been great for me but i think you'll regret what you told to your girlfriend :)

  3. Weekend has been really good, I've done some work :)

  4. Indeed, Sundays have "lazy" written all over it

    tigey, head of PL Team

  5. This weekend I made some music with my friend :D

  6. I love the my soup is too soupy captcha!

  7. i've been meaning to do some captcha comics for a while now, that's a good one

  8. Well the actual weekend, I had to work, but my days off this week, I have a dermatologist appointment and have to prepare my review blog for Thursday's update.

  9. Wow! Sorry to hear about your gal pal fight. But hey, at least you had some awesome comedies to keep you company.

  10. Forgetting sarah marshall is soooo hott

  11. I had a lazy weekend too. I love them. You'll have to teach me that "not caring" thing sometime.

  12. It was OK thanks, some guy thought I was fun to punch but the beer made that better.

    I also like the hangover.

  13. Two of my favorite movies, excellent choice.

  14. God i love hangover, excellent choice man.

  15. i need to look at more of these captcha comics, never seen them before!
