Saturday, December 11, 2010


Damn, Christmas trees these days just aren't what they used to be. Today my dad and I went to our usual spot to get a Christmas tree for this year (even though we're not even Christian... kind of strange that we celebrate Christmas). Let me tell you what, the selection this year sucked balls. They had a bunch of trees this year; more than usual, but most of them weren't really that great. We were kind of looking for a smallish/medium sized tree. Not one of those little 1 foot baby trees, but maybe something like 5 feet or so. Most of the trees in that range were labeled as GF and cost 28 bucks. After wandering around for a while, though, I found one of the more expensive trees (usually labeled as FF) that was mislabeled as GF and it was priced at $32. All the other trees around it were $38. So we took advantage of their mislabeling and bought it. It's a little bigger than we were looking for, but at least it's nice. Now I need to get my Christmas shopping done... which is a pain in the ass. It's not that I'm cheap or that I don't want to get gifts for my friends and family, it's just that I don't know what to get. Oh well. Looks like I'm going to get the guitar amp that I want for Christmas from my parents.

Now for a completely unrelated captcha comic!

What are you guys hoping to get for the holidays?


  1. lemme give you a secret, get an optical tree with built in lights and some pine scented air freshener :)
    I know, I know, but smells and looks like christmas in my place every year for like 2.99

  2. Major is right, don't mess around with the fresh trees!
    Lol'd at the comic, also.

  3. Wow! Nice to capitalize on their mistake. I'm sure you'll deck the tree all nice.

  4. captcha comics, i will never get tired of them

  5. Grats on the tree man! :D

  6. I always found purchasing a live tree was such a hassle.

  7. great deal on that tree. I wish ppl would just give me money for xmas so i don't have to be like I WANT THIS AND THIS AND THIS or they get me something insane that i have zero use for.

  8. Well I'm just hoping not to receive anything I already own or that I simply don't need which would create an usual awkward situation which in which I need to thanks the person while smiling without them noticing I don't give a fuck about what I just received! Aww, Christmas sucks!!

  9. Grats on the tree.

    Personally, I'm just hoping for a new video card. If I don't get one (which I doubt anyone will be willing to supply me with) than I'll just buy one; nonetheless I can hope.

  10. lol pieless alfred, when will you learn.

  11. haha i love these captcha comics, clever idea!

  12. So glad I just found this blog, following nad supporting

  13. Trees aren't getting smaller, you're just getting bigger :P

  14. I don't know the Christmas trees are really expensive, we don't celebrate Christmas here although it's holiday

  15. i would like to see an xbox 360 and the third season of californication under the christmas tree ;)

  16. tree shoppin is the worst...ugggg;(

    what I want for xmas? a trip to Paris please santa;)

  17. You know, money's always nice as a gift, but I guess I could use more clothes.

  18. $32 is not bad for a good tree I guess, Merry Christmas !

  19. Poor Alfred. I was once pieless as well, so I share his pain. But I won't share my pie.

  20. Oh Christmas Tree oh Christmas tree...

  21. haha loving the picture looks sweet as

  22. i'm hoping to kill captcha, and all of it's offspring for christmas. i plan on nuking it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure :)

  23. There's an abandoned Christmas tree farm across the street from my house, excellent for... perfectly legal activities.

  24. Pieles alfred,

    I wont get anything for christmas. lol
